Bricks Design Set
Primary dark 1
Primary dark 2
Primary dark 3
Primary dark 4
Primary dark 5
Primary light 1
Primary light 2
Primary light 3
Primary light 4
Primary light 5
Secondary dark 1
Secondary dark 2
Secondary dark 3
Secondary dark 4
Secondary dark 5
Secondary light 1
Secondary light 2
Secondary light 3
Secondary light 4
Secondary light 5
Tertiary dark 1
Tertiary dark 2
Tertiary dark 3
Tertiary dark 4
Tertiary dark 5
Tertiary light 1
Tertiary light 2
Tertiary light 3
Tertiary light 4
Tertiary light 5
Accent dark 1
Accent dark 2
Accent dark 3
Accent dark 4
Accent dark 5
Accent light 1
Accent light 2
Accent light 3
Accent light 4
Accent light 5
Border radius
Use utilities like radius-xs, radius-l, radius-xl to apply different border radius sizes to an element.
Fluid Font Size
Fluid Spacing
Once you have customized the desired spacing, copy the generated variable and paste it into the bricks builder.
By default, on all breakpoints, we have added numerous classes which you can use to create your CSS grids. As for the amount of columns you can have, by default, we have added 8 which are as follows:
.column .columns-2 .columns-3 .columns-4 .columns-5 .columns-6 .columns-7 .columns-8
.columns-4 .columns-2-on-l .gap-m .full-width
Here is a basic example, a container with 8 elements inside of it. To display this as 4 columns, we can simply apply the .columns-4 class.
Next, let’s say we want this to collapse to two columns on the tablet device, and then to one column on smartphones. First, let’s take a look at the breakpoints available to us: X-Small (xs), Small (s), Medium (m), Large (l), X-Large (xl)
We have conveniently added suffixes to our classes for each breakpoint: --on-xs, --on-s, --on-m, --on-l, --on-xl
.row-span-2 .row-span-1-on-l
Next, let’s say we want to span an element across two rows. To achieve this, simply add the .row-span-2
class to the element you would like to span.
Let’s say we want to set it back to default (no spanning) on tablets and below. We can simply add a new class to our first column. In this case, let’s add the .row-span-1--on-l
class. We are once again using the suffixes here.
Now, let’s imagine we would like the element labelled “2” to span across 2 columns, then we can simply add the .col-span-2
to the element:
Now, let’s go one step further and make the same element span across 2 rows as well. We can add the same class as in the previous section; .row-span-2
to the same element:
To fix mobile, we can add some classes for the L breakpoint. In essence, we will simply reset that element for the large breakpoint. Add the following classes to the element: .col-span-1--on-l
and .row-span-1--on-l
Heading 1
Heading 2
Heading 3
Heading 4
Heading 5
Heading 6
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis porttitor, quam vel dignissim tincidunt, odio libero porta ligula, vitae fermentum lacus libero vel risus. Aenean pulvinar nisl et vestibulum commodo. Quisque euismod tempus dignissim. Quisque dictum luctus velit, eu viverra urna tristique non. Vivamus at dolor tellus. Cras congue sapien non turpis dapibus, et vestibulum ante ultrices. Mauris eu nisi non sapien fermentum fermentum in eu odio. Fusce congue elit et tortor sagittis, sit amet auctor risus sagittis.
This line contains subscript text.
This line contains superscript text.
This line contains code
This line contains small text.
This line contains highlighted text
.preformatted-code { background-color: #FFF; }
- Unordered list item
- Unordered list item
- Unordered list item
- Unordered list item
- First ordered list item
- Second ordered list item
- Third ordered list item
- Fourth ordered list item
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis porttitor, quam vel dignissim tincidunt, odio libero porta ligula, vitae fermentum lacus libero vel risus. Aenean pulvinar nisl et vestibulum commodo. Quisque euismod tempus dignissim.
.table .table-hover
Header column one | Header column two | Header column three |
Row one column one | Row one column two | Row one column three |
Row two column one | Row two column two | Row two column three |
Row three column one | Row three column two | Row three column three |
Row four column one | Row four column two | Row four column three |
.table .table-bordered
Header column one | Header column two | Header column three |
Row one column one | Row one column two | Row one column three |
Row two column one | Row two column two | Row two column three |
Row three column one | Row three column two | Row three column three |
Row four column one | Row four column two | Row four column three |
.table .table-bordered .table-striped
Header column one | Header column two | Header column three |
Row one column one | Row one column two | Row one column three |
Row two column one | Row two column two | Row two column three |
Row three column one | Row three column two | Row three column three |
Row four column one | Row four column two | Row four column three |
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